Daily happiness number 87! What makes me smile today: Mister J’s Dawgs and Burgers.
Daily happiness number 86! What makes me smile today: House plants.
Daily happiness number 85! What makes me smile today: Carolyn.
Daily happiness number 83! What makes me smile today: Chicago buildings disappearing into the clouds.
Daily happiness number 82! What makes me smile today: Great historic architectural details of the building in downtown Chicago.
Daily happiness number 81! What makes me smile today: Diner’s with fun old stuff (Daddio’s in Batavia. IL).
Daily happiness number 80! What makes me smile today: Cool old Windmills.
Daily happiness number 79! What makes me smile today: Free chair found in the garbage. Now what to do with it.
Daily happiness number 78! What makes me smile today: Homemade tamales waiting to be steamed. Mmmm left over pig roast.
Daily happiness number 77! What makes me smile today: Trains and donuts are both awesome individually, but there has to be a synergy when they are combined…
Daily happiness number 76! What makes me smile today: Wisconsin brats.
Daily happiness number 75! What makes me smile today: Pumpkin painted rocks laying around the house.
Daily happiness number 74! What makes me smile today: Art-o-mat® art! The art is fun and finding machines is as treasure hunt. www.artomat.org
Daily happiness number 73! What makes me smile today: Butter basted steak. Mmmmmm.
Daily happiness number 72! What makes me smile today: Steet art hanging from a lamp pole in the Chicago Loop.
Daily happiness number 71! What makes me smile today: Crazy “weed” melon growing on the back fence. Proof I’m not good at composting.
Daily happiness number 70! What makes me smile today: Bakeries. Especial bakery doughnuts and sweet rolls (that’s what’s in the box).
Daily happiness number 69! What makes me smile today: Wiener Mobiles. Even fake mini ones in a parade.
Daily happiness number 68! What makes me smile today: Deviled eggs. Made from a friends backyard chickens.
Daily happiness number 67! What makes me smile today: Live music, first indoors concert since March 13, 2021.
Daily happiness number 66! What makes me smile today: Wildlife in the City. Even if it’s an envasive species.
Daily happiness number 65! What makes me smile today: Pig cutting boards.
Daily happiness number 64! What makes me smile today: German Von Steuben parade, bridges and marching bands playing twist and shout (got to love Ferris Bueller).
Daily happiness number 63! What makes me smile today: They are showing the life cycle of robotic dinosaurs at the Brookfield Zoo. This brontosaurus has been completely scavenged, all motors and servos have been looted, and the skin can be seen in a pile on the side. Only the steel skeleton remains.
Daily happiness number 62! What makes me smile today: Tea, hot or cold!
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